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Bringing NGO managers back in flow

MANGOFLOW stress & burn-out prevention retreats
Are you working in the not-for-profit-sector, accumulating many responsibilities?
Do you sometimes have the feeling it is becoming too much?
Are you struggling with high stress levels and feel the need to unplug ?

join me on a journey that will bring you back in flow

At MANGOFLOW, we understand the challenges that managers in the not-for-profit sector face when it comes to stress and burnout. Our mission is to help you regain control of your life and find balance. Learn more about our story and how
we can help.

Why the need to reconnect?

Coach Pieter hiking

Working in the not-for-profit sector is noble. The organizations we work for pursue a noble cause.
We give our heart and soul every day to achieve those goals. But sometimes the work gets too

Because we work with vulnerable people or vulnerable themes, we almost feel guilty if we don't go to the extreme. There is also often a lot of administration, planning, monitoring, fundraising and
people management involved. All of this can be extremely exhausting, and many people, especially
executives in this sector, are coping with a lot of stress or are heading for burnout.

When this happens, it is crucial to take a step back and to reconnect with yourself and your deepest

How to get moving again?

Do you sometimes feel it is all becoming too much? That work is taking control over you, that you are so passionate about your job, that you forget to breathe? That the combination of work, family, household and social life is driving you to the edge?

Then I can offer you the perfect time-out, a period of time only for yourself in nature, while all your needs are taken care of.

Meditating at the Retreat Resort
How do I work?
Coaching session at the Retreat Resort

By taking intense courses and through self-study, I have been able to put together a recipe that helps to avoid the black hole. Through a combination of making space for ourselves, eating and living healthier, personal coaching conversations, guidance and rest, I believe most of us can avoid the worst. What I offer is a six-week guidance process, culminating in a week of silence and nature, either one-on-one or with a small group of fellow unpluggers. Given my personal experience, the
offer is primarily aimed at managers and executives in the not-for-profit sector, but obviously people active in other domains are equally welcome!

Local Nature
Free intake

Free 30 min

Local Nature
Online courses

starting from 189€ At your own pace

Local Nature
Retreats & Coaching

Starting from 1490€ One week - various dates

Our Clients Say

Meditating at the Retreat Resort
"The retreat has been an eye opener and a turning point in my life. From meditation to coaching to body nurturing,
it has been amazing to watch myself transform from this “hard on myself woman” to a beautiful
“I am ok with kinda person”."

Ann Ndovi Piercy - Testing & Training Manager at HIV Ireland

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